Ritos de Perpassagem

Ritos de Perpassagem is an Electroacoustic Opera composed by Flo Menezes during 2018 and 2019. The work had singers/characters, a symphonic orchestra, a choral, 16 sound speakers surrounding the public playing spatialized sounds, microphones for sound processing, complex lighting systems and a large semi-transparent screen on which videos were projected on. I collaborated with Flo Menezes as a Computer Music Designer for this project, producing Max/MSP patches for the live electronics part of the opera. My collaboration in this project took more than a year, implementing the electronics score in Max as it was being written by Flo. The final patch was a complex event management system, integrating, controlling and triggering pre-composed sounds, real-time audio signal processing effects, voice processing events that were running on an external “Kyma” hardware. It was also connected to the video system, syncing audio and video events using OSC protocol. Each event prescribed in the score could be triggered with a keystroke. I also implemented the real-time sound effects that processed percussive sounds in three scenes: Les Marteaux du Maître, Os Golpes de Arquitas and Os Vasos de Hipaso.